Blackburn Lake Wetlands Regeneration
The Sanctuary's Wetland Regeneration Project has arrived. We'd love you to get involved.
On 20 February 2024 it was announced that Blackburn Lake Sanctuary and Bungalook nursery, along with Parks and Natural Environment Whitehorse, were successful in the funding for a DEECA Green Links Grant Program. We are one of 23 projects being awarded funding. Gardiners Creek has also been successful in gaining funds.
This project is an extensive Wetland Project over 2 – 3 years. It will entail major works to be undertaken and planting over 4,000 plants in this area. The project will require BLS to engage the community in assisting much of the weeding and planting. The council will undertake the heavy earth work.
The submission of the ‘BLS Main Inlet Wetland Regeneration Project Grant’ was an enormous effort by Tony Slater, Grant McAdam, Su Dempsey, and Bungalook, who has agreed to auspice the funding of almost $54,000.00.
The Minister for Water was represented by Shaun Leane MP at a launch event on 26th February, down in the Wetland area, and attended by Whitehorse Council staff, the Mayor Cr Massoud, members of Bungalook, and Blackburn Lake Sanctuary Advisory Committee.