
Twilight working bee - Thursday 13 February 6.00 - 8.00 pm

Join us as we begin our working bees for 2025, at our Twilight Working Bee on Thursday 13 February, from 6 pm to 8 pm. We will be working around the Visitor Centre and Juby's Garden. Meet at the Visitor Centre.


Wetland regeneration update - Sunday 23 February 4.00 pm onwards

As we begin the 2nd year of the 3-year Wetland Regeneration project, an invitation is extended to all in the community who would like to hear about the project and would like to help in the planned planting of over 4,000 locally grown plants. Volunteers at the Bungalook nursery, our local indigenous nursery in Blackburn South, have been busy propagating these plants ready for working bees during the year.

Mark down Sunday 23rd February at 4pm to come along to the Visitor Centre and hear about the project, what you can do and share in some light refreshments with other like-minded members of the community.


Clean up Australia Day - Sunday 2 March 9.45 - 12 noon

Roll up your sleeves and join in with others to collect rubbish, either in your street or at Blackburn Lake. Registration is between 9.45 and 10 am at the Visitor Centre. Collect a Clean up Australia Day bag if you don’t have one. Please wear appropriate clothing, enclosed shoes and preferably long pants and sleeves and a hat. Bring your water bottle. Re-fills available.


Jazz at the Lake - Sunday 2 March 4 - 8 pm

Bring a picnic and comfy chairs and get ready to enjoy a great music filled afternoon. For more information visit Whitehorse Council’s website here:


Saturday morning working bees

Our Working bees are held on various Saturday mornings from 9.30 to 11.30 am. We meet at the Visitor Centre, and a morning tea follows. Our focus is on the Wetland Regeneration project.

Dates for 2025 are: 

15 March  - weeding and preparation for planting in Wetlands

12 April - weeding and preparation for planting in Wetlands

3 May - weeding and preparation for planting in Wetlands

31 May - weeding and preparation for planting in Wetlands

14 June - weeding and preparation for planting in Wetlands

5 July - community planting day in Wetlands

2 August - community planting day in Wetlands

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The Blackburn Lake Sanctuary is a special place that sits at the origins of the Kooyong Koot tributary.

This Country, its creatures, lands, skies and waterways, has been continuously loved and cared for by the Wurundjeri peoples for over 60,000 years. We hope to walk with the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung in caring for this place.

We acknowledge the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung as the First Peoples of this area and pay our respects to their spirits, ancestors and elders.

Copyright © 2025 Blackburn Lake Sanctuary Advisory Committee.

All rights reserved.